Zayd Ahmed
Consultant Barrister
Prior to qualifying as a barrister, Zayd worked for some of the top criminal defence firms litigating high profile cases including murder, terrorism and fraud.
With his experience as a Barrister, Zayd brings a different dimension to the team with his advocacy practice. He has represented a variety of individuals at both the Magistrates Court and the Crown Court and has conducted in excess of 200 trials obtaining great results. Zayd has an in-depth understanding of the CPIA and the disclosure obligations on both the prosecution and defence.
Zayd also has experience in dealing with extradition proceedings both at the initial and final hearing and has worked on Proceeds of Crime applications so is able to advise on and challenge cash seizure, forfeiture, and confiscation proceedings.
Zayd is an elected member of the Bar Council and confidently represents the needs of young and Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic barristers practicing at the bar in England and Wales. He is also a social mobility advocate for the Bar council.